#001 – Constant Of The Week

constant, music whatevers

At work I have a lot of time to listen to new music. At the radio station it’s pretty much what I do all day, and although it’s a little draining (note to bands: don’t send an email asking for airplay and linking me to your iTunes album page where I have to buy the album), every day I find a new thing that I become obsessed with.

Well, this was from a few weeks ago, but I’m still listening to it. I brought the album to the record store and listened to it twice today… and I’m listening to it right now as I type this.

Anyways, when we get an envelope in from a label like Telephone Explosion it’s always a nice treat. Like a little burst of Christmas. I half expect scary confetti to come out of the package. Where am I going with this? Oh yeah. BEHOLD:

I don’t need to make this smaller.

Mick Futures – Banned From The Future!

I love that cover. Banned From The Future looks like how Hotel California is written on that album by the Eagles. Also the pink/salmon colour was my favourite colour in grade one… I took special speech classes because I had a lisp and when I could pronounce S properly salmon became my favourite Crayola crayon. Pretty happy that the album put that back in my brain.

This may seem like a shameless Sudbury plug, but it’s just so good. It’s good for cleaning, it’s good for driving, it’s good for pretending you’re a windmill in a mosh pit (but standing on the edges because you’re scared your beer bottle will break). Nothing I can say about this album is particularly revolutionary, it’s been said before by AUX, Chart Attack, Vice, and probably some cool German blog that I haven’t read yet. Anyways, if you like listening to those corporate bigwigs I just mentioned, then you should be sold on this already.

I also really love what it’s tagged under on the Telephone Explosion preorder page – jean jacket DEVO is so funny to me!

It’s hard to pick a favourite track… it’s a solid album from start to finish. He’s Not For Us sounds like a corrupt robot. Whatever You Want is like you’re watching someone on a swing  but it’s sped up. A Few Pieces is like when you’re really dizzy from spinning around. Living On Dark Street is what I imagine surfing at night would be like. Or basically just getting up to no good without the distractions of smart phones and cameras and stuff. Goofing off without trying to look cool. I guess this album is multi-sensory… it’s versatile. You don’t need to be in a specific mood to enjoy this. It’s unsettling in that good way.

The vinyl pressing is of very decent quality. I like that it’s not bogged down with a gatefold, it’s very straight and to the point. It also keeps the costs low – I picked up my copy at the album release show for $15. The preorder is $12, and I imagine that shipping it won’t be too much, so overall it’s an insane value for what you get. If you like having fun, feeling like a weirdo badass when you’re alone, and maybe have heard of Mick Futures vaguely before… then you should already be listening to this.

Verdict: On the You Dummy, Why Aren’t You Listening To This Already Scale: 5/5.